Saimir Bala, Monitoring the Software Development Process with Process Mining

Título: Monitoring the Software Development Process with Process Mining 

Palestrante: Saimir Bala, Vienna University of Economics and Business 

Data: 16 de abril (terça-feira), 2:30 PM

Local: Anfiteatro Maria Irene, Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 274, Cidade Universitária

Resumo: Software projects typically need to be monitored in detail regarding when what was done in order to demonstrate adherence to methodologies, rules, regulations, guidelines or best practices. To this end, it is of utmost importance to obtain factual knowledge from empirical evidence about the actual software development process. A major problem in this context is the lack of a centralized control of by a central system. Although it is hard to obtain full knowledge of the overall software development process, several cues can be gathered by analyzing pieces of information that are stored by supporting IT systems (e.g., issue trackers and version control). This position paper presents research in progress for extracting process knowledge from the historical data of software artifacts. This work extends the applicability of process mining techniques to software processes.

Observações adicionais: Saimir da Vienna University of Economics and Business é colaborador através do projeto de pesquisa RISE-BPM que as professoras Kate Revoredo, Flavia Santoro, Fernanda Baião e Claudia Cappelli têm em parceria com essa universidade.
O pesquisador proferirá palestra, às 14h30, sobre o seguinte tema de pesquisa: processo de desenvolvimento de software com auxílio de mineração de processos. A palestra tinha sido inicialmente prevista no último dia 10 de abril, mas teve que ser cancelada por conta das fortes chuvas no Rio de Janeiro.

Short Bio: Saimir Bala is a PhD candidate in Economics and Social Sciences at the Institute for Information Business. He joined the Business Process Management (BPM) team in 2014 and has been involved in various projects, including the SHAPE FFG Project. Saimir’s PhD thesis is investigating on ways to bridge the fields of Process Mining and Software Engineering, in order to provide data-driven analysis techniques for the process of software development. His research interests include various topics on BPM area, Software Engineering, Process Mining, and Text Mining. Saimir holds a BSc and a MSc in Distributed Systems from Sapienza University of Rome. In his master thesis he developed a framework for an effective implementation of a fault tolerant web-service orchestrator, in the context of the GreenerBuildings EU project (http://www.greenerbuildings.eu/).